Public Meetings on New Off-Leash Areas

Can We Share?
Can We Share?
Can We Share?

Residents in Mid-Cambridge and the Brattle-Mount Auburn Street areas may wish to attend public meetings to discuss the shared use of open space in their neighborhoods, specifically whether dogs should be permitted off-leash in two public parks.

Tuesday, October 11, 6-8 PM
City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor:

Review of possible off-leash hours in Joan Lorentz Park on Broadway and Ellery (the park adjacent to the Cambridge Public Library). More details.

Wednesday, October 19, 6-8 PM
New School of Music, 25 Lowell St.

Review of possible off-leash hours in Longfellow Park on Mt. Auburn St (adjacent to the Cambridge Tennis and Skating Club).

More information on the City’s off-leash policies:

Questions: Contact Taha Jennings in Community Development at 617 349-4603

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