I’m proud to be today’s guest blogger on Plan B Nation, a wonderfully enlightening blog, whose subtitle “living creatively in challenging times” is a trick we would all do well to master. Plan B Nation is the brainchild of my friend Amy Gutman, who used to live in Cambridge and has a cat. My guest post (in which I compare myself to a Border collie on the World Wide Web!) is called “The Dogs Days of Plan B Nation.”
Here’s how it begins:
This Valentine’s Day I sent my 23-year-old son a card with a photo of a young man and his dog sitting side-by-side, wearing identical frizzy red wigs: “May you never grow to look like the one you love,” the card teased. With neither a sweetheart nor a pooch, my son is in no imminent danger of this romantic peril. The joke was on me, as it’s certainly no secret that his old lady has been crushing on her puppy lately.
I’ll let you be the judge of whether I’ve yet begun to resemble my dog, physically, but I have begun to recognize, and even embrace, a few emotional parallels. [READ MORE on Plan B Nation]